Saturday, April 18, 2009

Opening Salvo

Greetings all,

Lawrence Auster is a little known blogger on the internet who likes to write controversially about liberalism, Darwinism, and Islam. He fancies himself a "traditionalist," and is an even handed critic of both Republicans and Democrats. Though he is not well-known, a little pamphlet he wrote more than 10 years ago, The Path to National Suicide, earned him a small following on the populist right and, at the time, he strongly identified with Pat Buchanan's worldview. He continues to be an implacable critic of America's open immigration policy and has even dared to journey into the hinterlands of the race and IQ debate. Mr Auster pulls no punches on the question: whites and blacks have different IQs, the differences are inherited, and have serious consequences for the social fabric of the country.

I do not intend to provide an in depth analysis of Mr Auster's worldview but the essence can be summed up briefly: Liberalism is an acidic ideology that seeks to dissolve all the cohesive traditions that have bound us together as a people, or better, a civilization. The family is under assault from feminists and the radical homosexual lobby that continues to petition for same sex marriage. Religion is feeling the heat of science as Darwinism, Biblical criticism, archaeology etc. cast doubt on almost all religious claims. Finally, America's European heritage is rapidly declining as immigrants from the third world re-populate traditionally white societies. Underlying all this is liberalism, a worldview that elevates non-discrimination to the highest value and prevents western nations from making the necessary decisions needed to preserve their societies. Of course Mr Auster is always quite vague about where liberalism came from, why people continue to believe in it, and whether or not it actually serves anyone's interests.

We will have more to say about Lawrence Auster later and why his ideas are fundamentally dishonest and why he cannot in any sense be a conservative or "traditonalist."

Stay tuned...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Do I see this right? You are dedicating an entire blog to Lawrence Auster, a "little known blogger" who "is not well-known", but "a little pamphlet he wrote more than 10 years ago" somehow caught your interest yet you "do not intend to provide an in depth analysis of Mr Auster's worldview" which "can be summed up briefly" (follows summary).

    Don't you think you have thus fulfilled your self-defined goal and can now safely delete this abortive attempt so it will not not foul up the search engines even more? Why waste precious time and cyberspace on so unimportant a matter?
